A crack team of musicians and actors takes you through the early life of Ms Perfect, from her flawless leadership through two disasters, until her biggest disaster, Dodgy Daryl from Wagga Wagga.
Choose four (4) shows and enjoy multiple benefits including discounted tickets, the option to exchange to another Season show and the ability to pay as the year unfolds. For more information hit the SUBSCRIBE button.
The team behind the satirical "Gladys" videos during Covid present a new musical journey about Gladys Berejikian, "the woman who saved Australia" but couldn't save herself.
After debuting Gladys in a rock ‘n’ roll press conference in the Black Summer Rock Opera "Watch and Act", a crack team of musicians and actors takes you through the early life of Ms Perfect, from her flawless leadership through two disasters, until her biggest disaster, Dodgy Daryl from Wagga Wagga.
With music and lyrics by ABC Radio's Nick Rheinberger, Tia Wilson returns as Gladys in several colourful blazers. It's got big rock numbers, epic ballads, Armenian matchmaking, tap dancing and even more musical press conferences. Get in line for the first Wagga Wagga show after their sold-out premiere at Sydney Fringe!
Presented by Rheinberger and Wilson Music and Lyrics: Nick Rheinberger Script: Tia Wilson & Nick Rheinberger Director: Tia Wilson
CAST Tia Wilson: Gladys Berejiklian, vocals, accordion, bass. Nick Rheinberger: Daryl Maguire, Brad Hazzard, acoustic and electric guitars, bouzouki, banjo Mel Wishart: Kerry Chant, Mrs Berejiklian, Ruth McColl, bass, clarinet and saxophone Rob Laurie: Shane Fitzsimmons, Mr Berejiklian, Scott Robertson, keys, drums, uke, bass
“In one newspaper, she was The Woman Who Saved Australia – and yet a few months later she was gone, because of this relationship with Daryl… it had all the elements of classic tragedy. So we thought: ‘We’ve got to turn this into a show.’" – Nick Rheinberger
In English
Wheelchair accessible: for wheelchair or accessibility requirements, or if you anticipate needing assistance from a staff member on the day of the event, please contact the Box Office on 02 6926 9688 or email boxoffice@civictheatre.com.au
National Companion Card accepted: for more information on companion card eligibility go here - https://tinyurl.com/WWcompanioncard. To organise a companion ticket contact the Box Office on 6926 9688 or boxoffice@civictheatre.com.au
Choose four (4) shows from the sixteen (16) on offer. Enjoy multiple benefits including discounted tickets, the option to exchange to another Season show and the ability to pay as the year unfolds. For more information hit the Subscribing button.
Date & Time:
Thursday 5 June, * New show added 5:00pm * Limited tickets 7:30pm Foyers, Box Office and Bar open one hour before the show starts.
1 hour (no interval)
Ticket Prices:
Adult $40.00 Civic Theatre Member $35.00 Civic Theatre Subscriber $35.00
Please note: The Civic Theatre Box Office is the only authorised ticket seller for this event. Please be very careful when you purchase tickets online that you are following a valid link.
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